3.0 Compatability

Friday, June 19th, 2009

iTopoMaps is compatable with iphoneos 3.0, although it only requires 2.2.



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Wednesday, May 13th, 2009


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Tile Change / Please upgrade to 1.2 or later

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Due to some changes in the tile server, please make sure you are using the latest version!�� User’s on old version may experience some issues fetching tiles.

Simply update to 1.2 or later through the AppStore or iTunes for free!

Thanks to all who have purchased iTopoMaps!� Your support allows for additional improvements to this application!

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Friday, March 27th, 2009

Here are some accessories we use with our iPhone and iTopoMaps:

  • Kwik Tek Dry Pak DP-46 4×6 Waterproof bag.� Keeps your device safe while still leaving the audio and touchscreen available for use.



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QuickStart Guide Available under FAQs

Friday, March 27th, 2009

A new QuickStart Guide is available under the FAQ section, “How do I use iTopoMaps?”
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How to use iTopoMaps v. 1.0

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Here’s a QuickStart guide to using iTopoMaps Version 1.0


When initially using iTopoMaps, you need connectivity, preferably WiFi.�� 3G and/or Edge may be acceptable.� iPod Touch users require Wifi.


When iTopoMaps first starts, it will show you an overview of part of the continental US.� Simply move about by touch and zoom in or out by spreading or closing your fingers.� You can rotate the device to show portrait or landscape views.


Tap the info-bar, the dark transparent rectangle with coordinates, to cycle through various information such as location in lat/lon, UTM, Altitude, Course and Distance to your GoTo waypoint, and GPS sensitivity.





  • � Lock Map to Current Position

When this icon is blue, the map will follow the current GPS location, if available.� To stop map-following, tap again or move the map with your finger

  • Lookup Features by Name

Use this feature to lookup Features of Interest from the GNIS database and optionally add them as Waypoints.

  • Toggle between minimum and maximum zoom

Simple viewpoint change without having to use the two-finger stretch/shrink

  • Toggle between Quad-Selection mode and Normal mode.

If you want to download quads to your device, for access without Wifi/Cellular Coverage, enter the Quad-Selection Mode.� In this mode, simply double-tap an area and confirm that you wish to cache it.� The download shoud start and show a progress bar at the top of the screen.� You may pause/continue the download by press the play/pause buttons.� Depending on your internet connection, a quad may take from a few minutes to much longer to download.� Once a quad has been selected, it will show a green transparent area.� If you wish to delete this quad, simply double-tap again and confirm.

After you have selected several quads, your screen will look similar to this:� (Note that some icons in this image are from 1.10)

It is recommended that you wait for all quads to download before continuing to use iTopoMaps, as the device is being heavily used at this point.

When you are done selecting quads, tap the Grid icon again to return to normal mode.

  • Flip to settings view for non-graphical access to Quadrangles and Waypoints

On the reverse view, you can list downloaded quadrangles as well as waypoints.� You can also manually delete them.



  • How do I add a waypoint?

In normal mode, simply double-tap where you want the waypoint placed.

  • How do I find course and distance to a waypoint?

Tap on a pre-existing waypoint, and mark it as “GoTo”.� Your current GoTo waypoint will have a green flag.

To see your Course / Distance, tap the Info Bar until it shows the desired info

  • How do I delete a waypoint?

Tap on an existing waypoint and select Delete.

  • What does “Select Quads A:? D:? R?” mean?

iTopoMaps is showing you the status of your download.� A stands for Available Tiles, and there are approximately 300-350 per quad.� D stands for tiles yet to be downloaded.� R stands for tiles

yet to be removed from your flash after you have de-selected a quad.



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How to use iTopoMaps v. 2.1

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Here’s a QuickStart guide to using iTopoMaps Version 2.1


When initially using iTopoMaps, you need connectivity, preferably WiFi.�� 3G and/or Edge may be acceptable.� iPod Touch users require Wifi.


When iTopoMaps first starts, it will show you an overview of part of the continental US.� Simply move about by touch and zoom in or out by spreading or closing your fingers.� You can rotate the device to show portrait or landscape views.


Tap the info-bar, the dark transparent rectangle with coordinates, to cycle through various information such as location in lat/lon, UTM, Altitude, Course and Distance to your GoTo waypoint, and GPS sensitivity.


Airplane modes turns off the GPS!� If you need/want location updates, you must leave Airplane mode Off.� Unfortunately, apple does not provide a way to disable only the radio to save power.





  • � Lock Map to Current Position

When this icon is blue, the map will follow the current GPS location, if available.� To stop map-following, tap again or move the map with your finger

  • Flip to settings view for non-graphical access to Quadrangles and Waypoints

On the reverse view, you can list downloaded quadrangles as well as waypoints.� You can also add, modify, delete, import or export them.

  • Quickly shift between zoom levels

Simple viewpoint change without having to use the two-finger stretch/shrink

  • Enter a coordinate to move the map to

Know where you’re going?� Enter the coordinates here.

  • Look up Features of Interest in your area

Search for GNIS Features of Interest (Summit, Streams, Waterfalls, etc) in your viewing area

  • Add a waypoint

Lookup Features of Interest from the GNIS database and optionally add them as Waypoints!!� Or if you already know the location, add it by coordinate entry.� You can also add a waypoint at the current map or GPS location.

  • Toggle between Quad-Selection mode and Normal mode.

If you want to download quads to your device, for access without Wifi/Cellular Coverage, enter the Quad-Selection Mode.� In this mode, simply double-tap an area and confirm that you wish to cache it.� The download shoud start and show a progress bar at the top of the screen.� You may pause/continue the download by press the play/pause buttons.� Depending on your internet connection, a quad may take from a few minutes to much longer to download.� Once a quad has been selected, it will show a green transparent area.� If you wish to delete this quad, simply double-tap again and confirm.

After you have selected several quads, your screen will look similar to this:

It is recommended that you wait for all quads to download before continuing to use iTopoMaps, as the device is being heavily used at this point.� If you have lots of quads

to add at one time, simply hit the pause/play button to pause the downloading while you’re selecting.� Hit the pause/play button to resume the download and leave

the device alone, preferably connected to power for the duration.� You can exit the app during downloads, as the transfer will resume when you restart iTopoMaps.

When you are done selecting quads, tap the Grid icon again to return to normal mode.


  • How do I add a waypoint?

In normal mode, simply double-tap where you want the waypoint placed.

  • How do I find course and distance to a waypoint?

Tap on a pre-existing waypoint, and mark it as “GoTo”.� Your current GoTo waypoint will have a green flag.

To see your Course / Distance, tap the Info Bar until it shows the desired info

  • How do I delete a waypoint?

Tap on an existing waypoint and select Delete.

  • What does “Select Quads A:? D:? R?” mean?

iTopoMaps is showing you the status of your download.� A stands for Available Tiles, and there are approximately 300-350 per quad.� D stands for tiles yet to be downloaded.� R stands for tiles

yet to be removed from your flash after you have de-selected a quad.


  • How do I configure iTopoMaps?�

A variety of configuration options are available under the generic Settings.app -> iTopoMaps, including disabling the screen lock and disabling the Helpful Tips.� Settings.app is a standard Apple application you can

find on your home screen labeled “Settings”�








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How to use iTopoMaps v. 2.3

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Here’s a QuickStart guide to using iTopoMaps Version 2.3


When initially using iTopoMaps, you need connectivity, preferably WiFi.�� 3G and/or Edge may be acceptable.� iPod Touch users require Wifi.


When iTopoMaps first starts, it will show you an overview of part of the continental US.� Simply move about by touch and zoom in or out by spreading or closing your fingers.� You can rotate the device to show portrait or landscape views.


Tap the info-bar, the dark transparent rectangle with coordinates, to cycle through various information such as location in lat/lon, UTM, Altitude, Course and Distance to your GoTo waypoint, and GPS sensitivity.


Airplane modes turns off the GPS!� If you need/want location updates, you must leave Airplane mode Off.� Unfortunately, apple does not provide a way to disable only the radio to save power.





  • � Lock Map to Current Position

When this icon is blue, the map will follow the current GPS location, if available.� To stop map-following, tap again or move the map with your finger

  • Flip to settings view for non-graphical access to Quadrangles and Waypoints

On the reverse view, you can list downloaded quadrangles as well as waypoints.� You can also add, modify, delete, import or export them.

  • Quickly shift between zoom levels

Simple viewpoint change without having to use the two-finger stretch/shrink

  • Enter a coordinate to move the map to

Know where you’re going?� Enter the coordinates here.

  • Look up Features of Interest in your area

Search for GNIS Features of Interest (Summit, Streams, Waterfalls, etc) in your viewing area

  • Add a waypoint

Lookup Features of Interest from the GNIS database and optionally add them as Waypoints!!� Or if you already know the location, add it by coordinate entry.� You can also add a waypoint at the current map or GPS location.

  • Toggle between Quad-Selection mode and Normal mode.

If you want to download quads to your device, for access without Wifi/Cellular Coverage, enter the Quad-Selection Mode.� In this mode, simply double-tap an area and confirm that you wish to cache it.� The download shoud start and show a progress bar at the top of the screen.� You may pause/continue the download by press the play/pause buttons.� Depending on your internet connection, a quad may take from a few minutes to much longer to download.� Once a quad has been selected, it will show a green transparent area.� If you wish to delete this quad, simply double-tap again and confirm.

After you have selected several quads, your screen will look similar to this:

It is recommended that you wait for all quads to download before continuing to use iTopoMaps, as the device is being heavily used at this point.� If you have lots of quads

to add at one time, simply hit the pause/play button to pause the downloading while you’re selecting.� Hit the pause/play button to resume the download and leave

the device alone, preferably connected to power for the duration.� You can exit the app during downloads, as the transfer will resume when you restart iTopoMaps.

When you are done selecting quads, tap the Grid icon again to return to normal mode.


  • How do I add a waypoint?

In normal mode, simply double-tap where you want the waypoint placed.

  • How do I find course and distance to a waypoint?

Tap on a pre-existing waypoint, and mark it as “GoTo”.� Your current GoTo waypoint will have a green flag.

To see your Course / Distance, tap the Info Bar until it shows the desired info

  • How do I delete a waypoint?

Tap on an existing waypoint and select Delete.

  • What does “Select Quads A:? D:? R?” mean?

iTopoMaps is showing you the status of your download.� A stands for Available Tiles, and there are approximately 300-350 per quad.� D stands for tiles yet to be downloaded.� R stands for tiles

yet to be removed from your flash after you have de-selected a quad.


  • How do I configure iTopoMaps?�

A variety of configuration options are available under the generic Settings.app -> iTopoMaps, including disabling the screen lock and disabling the Helpful Tips.� Settings.app is a standard Apple application you can

find on your home screen labeled “Settings”�








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How to use iTopoMaps v. 1.5

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Here’s a QuickStart guide to using iTopoMaps Version 1.5


When initially using iTopoMaps, you need connectivity, preferably WiFi.�� 3G and/or Edge may be acceptable.� iPod Touch users require Wifi.


When iTopoMaps first starts, it will show you an overview of part of the continental US.� Simply move about by touch and zoom in or out by spreading or closing your fingers.� You can rotate the device to show portrait or landscape views.


Tap the info-bar, the dark transparent rectangle with coordinates, to cycle through various information such as location in lat/lon, UTM, Altitude, Course and Distance to your GoTo waypoint, and GPS sensitivity.





  • � Lock Map to Current Position

When this icon is blue, the map will follow the current GPS location, if available.� To stop map-following, tap again or move the map with your finger

  • Flip to settings view for non-graphical access to Quadrangles and Waypoints

On the reverse view, you can list downloaded quadrangles as well as waypoints.� You can also add, modify, delete, import or export them.

  • Quickly shift between zoom levels

Simple viewpoint change without having to use the two-finger stretch/shrink

  • Enter a coordinate to move the map to

Know where you’re going?� Enter the coordinates here.

  • Look up Features of Interest in your area

Search for GNIS Features of Interest (Summit, Streams, Waterfalls, etc) in your viewing area

  • Add a waypoint

Lookup Features of Interest from the GNIS database and optionally add them as Waypoints!!� Or if you already know the location, add it by coordinate entry.� You can also add a waypoint at the current map or GPS location.

  • Toggle between Quad-Selection mode and Normal mode.

If you want to download quads to your device, for access without Wifi/Cellular Coverage, enter the Quad-Selection Mode.� In this mode, simply double-tap an area and confirm that you wish to cache it.� The download shoud start and show a progress bar at the top of the screen.� You may pause/continue the download by press the play/pause buttons.� Depending on your internet connection, a quad may take from a few minutes to much longer to download.� Once a quad has been selected, it will show a green transparent area.� If you wish to delete this quad, simply double-tap again and confirm.

After you have selected several quads, your screen will look similar to this:

It is recommended that you wait for all quads to download before continuing to use iTopoMaps, as the device is being heavily used at this point.� If you have lots of quads

to add at one time, simply hit the pause/play button to pause the downloading while you’re selecting.� Hit the pause/play button to resume the download and leave

the device alone, preferably connected to power for the duration.� You can exit the app during downloads, as the transfer will resume when you restart iTopoMaps.

When you are done selecting quads, tap the Grid icon again to return to normal mode.


  • How do I add a waypoint?

In normal mode, simply double-tap where you want the waypoint placed.

  • How do I find course and distance to a waypoint?

Tap on a pre-existing waypoint, and mark it as “GoTo”.� Your current GoTo waypoint will have a green flag.

To see your Course / Distance, tap the Info Bar until it shows the desired info

  • How do I delete a waypoint?

Tap on an existing waypoint and select Delete.

  • What does “Select Quads A:? D:? R?” mean?

iTopoMaps is showing you the status of your download.� A stands for Available Tiles, and there are approximately 300-350 per quad.� D stands for tiles yet to be downloaded.� R stands for tiles

yet to be removed from your flash after you have de-selected a quad.


  • How do I configure iTopoMaps?�

A variety of configuration options are available under the generic Settings.app -> iTopoMaps, including disabling the screen lock and disabling the Helpful Tips.� Settings.app is a standard Apple application you can

find on your home screen labeled “Settings”�








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How to use iTopoMaps v. 1.4

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Here’s a QuickStart guide to using iTopoMaps Version 1.4


When initially using iTopoMaps, you need connectivity, preferably WiFi.�� 3G and/or Edge may be acceptable.� iPod Touch users require Wifi.


When iTopoMaps first starts, it will show you an overview of part of the continental US.� Simply move about by touch and zoom in or out by spreading or closing your fingers.� You can rotate the device to show portrait or landscape views.


Tap the info-bar, the dark transparent rectangle with coordinates, to cycle through various information such as location in lat/lon, UTM, Altitude, Course and Distance to your GoTo waypoint, and GPS sensitivity.





  • � Lock Map to Current Position

When this icon is blue, the map will follow the current GPS location, if available.� To stop map-following, tap again or move the map with your finger

  • Flip to settings view for non-graphical access to Quadrangles and Waypoints

On the reverse view, you can list downloaded quadrangles as well as waypoints.� You can also add, modify, delete, import or export them.

  • Quickly shift between zoom levels

Simple viewpoint change without having to use the two-finger stretch/shrink

  • Enter a coordinate to move the map to

Know where you’re going?� Enter the coordinates here.

  • Look up Features of Interest in your area

Search for GNIS Features of Interest (Summit, Streams, Waterfalls, etc) in your viewing area

  • Add a waypoint

Lookup Features of Interest from the GNIS database and optionally add them as Waypoints!!� Or if you already know the location, add it by coordinate entry.� You can also add a waypoint at the current map or GPS location.

  • Toggle between Quad-Selection mode and Normal mode.

If you want to download quads to your device, for access without Wifi/Cellular Coverage, enter the Quad-Selection Mode.� In this mode, simply double-tap an area and confirm that you wish to cache it.� The download shoud start and show a progress bar at the top of the screen.� You may pause/continue the download by press the play/pause buttons.� Depending on your internet connection, a quad may take from a few minutes to much longer to download.� Once a quad has been selected, it will show a green transparent area.� If you wish to delete this quad, simply double-tap again and confirm.

After you have selected several quads, your screen will look similar to this:

It is recommended that you wait for all quads to download before continuing to use iTopoMaps, as the device is being heavily used at this point.� If you have lots of quads

to add at one time, simply hit the pause/play button to pause the downloading while you’re selecting.� Hit the pause/play button to resume the download and leave

the device alone, preferably connected to power for the duration.� You can exit the app during downloads, as the transfer will resume when you restart iTopoMaps.

When you are done selecting quads, tap the Grid icon again to return to normal mode.


  • How do I add a waypoint?

In normal mode, simply double-tap where you want the waypoint placed.

  • How do I find course and distance to a waypoint?

Tap on a pre-existing waypoint, and mark it as “GoTo”.� Your current GoTo waypoint will have a green flag.

To see your Course / Distance, tap the Info Bar until it shows the desired info

  • How do I delete a waypoint?

Tap on an existing waypoint and select Delete.

  • What does “Select Quads A:? D:? R?” mean?

iTopoMaps is showing you the status of your download.� A stands for Available Tiles, and there are approximately 300-350 per quad.� D stands for tiles yet to be downloaded.� R stands for tiles

yet to be removed from your flash after you have de-selected a quad.


  • How do I configure iTopoMaps?�

A variety of configuration options are available under the generic Settings.app -> iTopoMaps, including disabling the screen lock and disabling the Helpful Tips.� Settings.app is a standard Apple application you can

find on your home screen labeled “Settings”�








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