Bad-Elf External GPS Receiver

Friday, November 5th, 2010

My Bad Elf External GPS Receiver arrived in the mail and it looks great! I’ll be following up with a full review after I put it through its paces, but initial impressions:


  • Tiny and lightweight
  • Solid construction, made in the USA
  • Quicker to lock (~40 seconds) w/ higher accuracy (10m horizontal and vertical)
  • Works in Airplane Mode! Finally! Hopefully this will translate into some power savings as you can power down your cell radio when in the wilderness
  • Works great with iTopoMaps!
  • The sync/charge connector is a nice touch


  • Bad-Elf App could use more information on satellite locking and signal strengths.
  • The Bad-Elf App always says “Server unreachable” for the Assisted GPS Data update.

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